Work Day

Church Work Day October 22 at 8 am October 22at 8 am Come help us spruce up the NCC campus! Projects include cleaning and wiping down rooms, furniture, and equipment; scraping paint off the Bunker windows; and moving rock. This is a team effort, so the more people...

Summer Camp 2023

Summer Camp A weekend of fun, fellowship, and focused time in God’s Word!  Who Students entering7th-12th grade  When July 20-23(Thursday-Sunday)  Where Tonto Rim Christian CampPayson, AZ Register through June 28 Registration Form Cost is $265 per student. If...

TES Tradition Golf Classic 2022

The Expositors Seminary Tradition Golf Classic Lookout Mountain Golf ClubPhoenix, AZMay 7, 2022 Golfer Registration Register to play in the tournament Sponsor Form Partner with us as a sponsor Partner with Us! Help support future pastors and missionaries Northwest...

Women’s Retreat 2022

Women’s Retreat Women, we invite you to join us for a weekend of focused teaching and fellowship up north in Prescott! We look forward to growing as women of God, not only through the sessions taught by our guest speaker, but through time spent together over...

Winter Camp 2022

Winter Camp WinterCamp A weekend of fun, fellowship, and focused time in God’s Word!  Who 7th-12th Grade Students  When January 28-30  Where Tonto Rim Christian Camp Register December 1 through January 9. Registration Form Cost is $159 per student, or $139...