Our Beliefs

We believe the Holy Scriptures are verbally inspired in every word, absolutely inerrant in the original documents, and are God’s complete written revelation to man. We affirm that they are thus both authoritative and sufficient in all matter of faith and practice. As the primary resource of one’s spiritual growth, it is the responsibility of followers of Jesus Christ to apply the truth of the Holy Scriptures to their lives.

We believe that there is but one living and true God, an infinite, all-knowing Spirit, perfect in all His attributes, one in essence, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is the loving, sovereign creator and sustainer of all things, deserving of our worship and obedience.

Jesus Christ
We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is both fully God and fully man. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and His imminent personal return to earth in power and glory.

Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune God. As the supernatural and sovereign agent in regeneration, the Holy Spirit indwells all believers and baptizes them into the Body of Christ at the moment of their salvation. The Holy Spirit also sanctifies, instructs, illumines, empowers for service, and seals each believer unto the day of redemption.

We believe that the salvation of man, who is totally depraved and hopelessly lost, is a free gift for all who repent of their sin and put their trust in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross for the forgiveness of sins. This salvation is wholly of God, by grace, on the basis of the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and the merit of His shed blood, not on the basis of human merit or works. All of the redeemed are kept by God’s power and are thus secure in Christ forever.

We believe that sanctification is the process of becoming more like Christ that begins at salvation and is completed when the believer reaches Heaven. At salvation, the believer is justified and is declared holy by God. Through the empowering of the Holy Spirit and obedience to the Word of God, the believer is enabled to live a life of increasing holiness and growing victory over sin.

The Church
We believe that the Church consists of all who have been regenerated by the Spirit, called out from the world, separated from sin, and called to pursue holiness. The Church is expressed as local bodies of believers, operating under the direction of Jesus as Lord and Head of His body. The church gathers in community for corporate worship and to equip the body of believers to build up one another and, in turn, serve as salt and light to the world.

The Future
We believe that Jesus Christ will physically return to earth and that this return is imminent. This promise of His return should unite, comfort, and motivate all believers to holy living. Christ will bring His kingdom to completion with His return by judging the world in righteousness and fulfilling His promise to His people. His future work on earth will conclude with the destruction of all evil and the creation of a new heaven and earth. After death, man will exist eternally in a real physical place: either united with God in heaven or separated from God in hell.