Plan Your Visit
Service Times
9:00 am
10:45 am
16615 N 43rd Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85053
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Northwest Community Church
What to Expect

Every Sunday, Northwest offers two friendly, casual worship services at 9 and 10:45 am designed for people of all ages. Both include heartfelt worship and passionate teaching from the Bible. Each service runs about one hour and fifteen minutes. Choose the one that is most convenient for you and your family, or the one that gives you the chance to attend a Fellowship Group before or after the worship service.

At Northwest, you will see people who dress casually for church and others who like to dress up. Feel free to wear whatever makes you comfortable.

Plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the service. We have designated guest parking for you in the north parking lot. There are also senior and disabled parking spots available.

Welcome Team
Inside the foyer, you’ll find our Welcome Team. They would love to meet you, answer any questions you have, and point you in the right direction so you don’t feel lost on our campus!

We offer classes for babies-6th grade during both services. Just go to the Kids Building Check-In Room and head to the Welcome Desk; our team will get your kids checked in! If you are not comfortable leaving your kids, they are more than welcome to attend the worship service with you. Students in 7th-12th grade meet as a group in C204 during the 9 am service.


Expository Preaching
Expository preaching is the proclamation of the real and central meaning of a passage of Scripture as it was intended by the original author. If the preacher is not saying what the original author was saying, he is not preaching expositorily.
Expository preaching is vitally important to the life and growth of God’s church. First, God’s people can understand Him and discern His will; they can trace God’s plan for His people in the past and what awaits them in the future. Exposition also unearths God’s framework for local church ministry and God’s requirements for those who would lead His church. Finally, it is God’s primary method to change the lives of His people. As people listen to expository sermons, the Holy Spirit uses His Word to inform their minds, affect their hearts, and move their wills.

God-centered, Christ-exalting music plays a necessary part in corporate worship. Songs that rehearse the character of God and His gracious redemptive acts inform our minds, stir our hearts, and provide a platform for us to lift our voices in engaging worship.
Although it may be surprising to some, biblical preaching also holds a central role in Christian worship. When we sing, we address God. When God’s Word is preached, God addresses us! When the preacher is faithful to proclaim the biblical message, the voice of God can be heard speaking from the pages of Scripture. Worship continues as God’s message is given to a people who hear it and respond in humble obedience.

On Sunday mornings, we offer classes for kids, students, young adults, and adults. Adult classes are called Fellowship Groups. Click here for an overview of all our Sunday classes!