NCC Building Project

That they may know Him

John 17:3



We’ve begun a large building project that will significantly affect our campus until fall of 2023. Please take a few minutes to watch the video below so you are prepared to navigate our campus during construction!

On August 29, 2021, we had one Sunday morning service where we shared with the congregation more details about the exciting plans to improve our facilities! In this special service, we discussed our plans to build, the ways we envision the Lord using these facilities, and our plans to prayerfully raise the funds required for this large project.

We’re constructing a new Kids Ministry building.

What do the plans include?

  • One building with 10 classrooms for babies, preschool, elementary, and Kids Choir
  • One large flex space for Kids Ministry uses
  • A new Kids Ministry workroom
  • Interior-access restrooms
  • A new playground

What do we gain?

  • One secure building for babies-6th grade
  • One convenient place for parents to check in all their children
  • More rooms in the C-Building for adult classes to use
We’re enlarging the foyer.

What do the plans include?

  • A dedicated Welcome Center inside the foyer
  • An area indoors to set up small tables and chairs
  • Larger restrooms with additional stalls
  • Architecture that will visually create a central entry point on campus


What do we gain?

  • A more flexible space for body life
  • A large, comfortable room for gathering before or after events and services
  • A place for midweek discipleship meetings



Constructing a new Kids Ministry building and enlarging the foyer necessitate some other changes to our campus, including:

  • Tearing down the E-Building
  • A new, lighted athletic field for drainage/water retention
  • Seating by the athletic field
  • A completely renovated patio with additional shading
  • A new patio area between the C-Building and Kids Building
  • Updated landscaping


We want our facilities to suit our needs.


What are the current challenges?

  • We can’t have all our Kids Ministry classrooms in one location
  • The E-Building is old, and it was intended to be temporary
  • Our foyer is small relative to the size of our congregation


What makes the new plans more suitable?

  • All our children can meet in one secure, dedicated location
  • Adult classes can meet in the C-Building instead of the E-Building
  • A large foyer will be more comfortable and give us new flexibility

Children are valuable in God’s kingdom.


Because we value children, a new building will:


  • Provide them with a safe, enjoyable place to hear the gospel and learn about God’s Word
  • Be a blessing to the faithful Kids Ministry volunteers who care for them
  • Offer parents greater peace of mind as they entrust their children to our care

We want our campus to be visitor friendly.

What makes our campus not visitor friendly?

  • There isn’t one central, visible point of entry
  • The Welcome Center is small and difficult to locate
  • Classrooms are spread out and confusing to navigate


How will the new plans make our campus more welcoming?

  • We can establish a central, visible entry point on campus
  • We can create a dedicated Welcome Center that is easy to find in a larger foyer
  • All kids will be checked in to one secure location


Our church has been growing.


The Lord has been growing our congregation in numbers and in faithfulness, which is evidenced by:


    • A 32% growth in the number of members and regular attenders between February 2019 and February 2022
    • A 98% growth in the number of children in first hour Sunday Kids Classes between February 2019 and February 2022
    • Ending the 2021-22 fiscal year $278,000 above our annual giving goal


 We want to glorify God by making mature disciples of Jesus Christ.


Making disciples among children involves:

  • Teaching solid, Bible-based curriculum in Kids Classes, Adventure Club, and at VBS
  • Providing suitable classrooms that are welcoming, secure, and tailored to their needs
  • Giving great attention to their safety while on our campus

Making disciples among students involves:

  • Partnering with parents to see students grow in their love for God and His Word
  • Teaching God’s Word in class on Sundays and at D-Groups on Wednesdays
  • Updating their meeting space (the Bunker) to make it more welcoming and suitable for their needs. 

Making disciples among men and women involves:

  • Affirming qualified elders who can be Christlike examples to and shepherds of the flock
  • Encouraging participation in classes, small groups, and serving opportunities
  • Providing suitable spaces for fellowship, discipleship, and instruction to take place



Here are some ways you might consider praying:

  • Pray for the logistics –required permits, availability and cost of materials, and ongoing campus ministry functions.
  • Pray for the people – our building committee, elders, Kids Ministry leaders, and staff.
  • Pray for our congregation – wise stewardship, ongoing faithfulness, and patience during the transition.

Prayerfully consider giving.

We are thrilled that we have surpassed our giving goal thanks to your generosity! Here is a recap of the numbers as of June 2023:

  • Total anticipated costs: $6.6 million
  • Total pledges to date: $3.3 million
  • Total cash received to date: $2.7 million

The total cash received to date is updated weekly in our bulletin. Pledges have been made for a 3-year period beginning January 1, 2022, and ending December 31, 2024.

It isn’t too late to join us! If you consider NCC your church home, we invite you to prayerfully consider giving to our building project fund. You can pick up a commitment card at the church and drop it in one of the offering boxes in the Worship Center at any time, or you can fill out this electronic commitment card.

Please understand that:

  • The 3-year commitment period begins as early as January 1, 2022, and ends December 31, 2024.
  • Commitments should be over and above your regular giving.
  • NCC will treat your information with the same level of confidentiality as all other giving records.
  • You will receive an annual accounting of your commitment and the amounts contributed toward it.
  • Your commitment is not binding to NCC in the event that your financial situation changes.



We are happy to answer your questions along the way! Any questions you submit below will go straight to Terry Blakemore, who is heading up our building campaign.

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We’ve already received some great questions about the project. Below, we’ve listed some of the most helpful ones.

Will the new Kids Ministry building be large enough for a growing church?

Yes! While Kids Ministry attendance continues to grow rapidly, the new building will be large enough. It has 10 classrooms and can accommodate three times our current Sunday average attendance. Our original building plans included space for Student Ministries, but the new plan is for 7th-12th graders to remain the Bunker (C204) and leave a large flex space for various Kids Ministry uses. The new building is also proportional in size to our Worship Center and the C-Building.

Can the new Kids Ministry building be expanded in the future by adding a second story?

After exploring different options and footprints for the building, the most cost-effective option was to build a single-story building. To construct the new building with the potential for a future second floor is cost prohibitive.

What will happen to the playground area at the A-Building?

We will repurpose the playground equipment to the new playground area at the east end of the new building.

Will we solicit input from Kids Ministry volunteers for the details on finishing the rooms?

Yes, we have already received input from Kids Ministry leadership and will continue to ask for input for the project.

Will there be VBS in 2023?

Due to delays outside of our control, we anticipate the new Kids Ministry Building to be completed by fall of 2023. Unfortunately, this means it will not be feasible to hold VBS in summer of 2023.

Will there be opportunities for church attenders to volunteer to help with the project?

Yes! Once we have contractors on our campus, there will be opportunities to provide water, snacks, and possibly lunch on some occasions. The church will communicate when these opportunities are available.

When will the project be completed?

We anticipate approximately 12 months of construction and expect the project to be fully complete by fall 2023.

Our old athletic field was the water retention area for the church and school. How will we handle drainage since our new building is being built on this field?

We have contracted with a civil engineer to plan the required drainage/water retention that will meet all city requirements. The most cost-effective way to handle the drainage is to install an underground drainage system that will carry the water along the south of the new building to a new athletic field in the area where the E-Buildings used to be located. The E-Buildings have been removed to allow for the water retention area and athletic field.

Where will the facilities office and workshop be located during and after construction?

The facilities office has been temporarily relocated to the church office, and a temporary workshop space has been set up in one of the metal containers with a portable A/C unit. After construction, the facilities office and workshop will be moved to the A-Building.

Do the costs for the new foyer and kids buildings include furniture?

Yes, furniture and equipment are included in the estimates.

Is there a buffer for inflation in the cost estimates?

Our general contractor has planned for some inflation and continues to help us to make the most cost-effective choices.

Will the church receive updates about the cost of the project?

Yes, we will provide regular updates to the congregation about the progress and costs of the project.

What will happen to the shepherd statue?

The statue will be relocated to an appropriate area on the campus. The exact location has not yet been determined.

Will the existing double doors to the Worship Center from the north parking lot remain?

Yes, these doors will remain. There will also be a new double door entrance to the Worship Center from the new foyer area with a vestibule to help mitigate sound.

What will happen to the existing foyer?

The existing foyer will remain and will be an extension of the new foyer. The existing foyer area will have new enlarged restrooms and a sitting area. It will be accessible on Sunday mornings and will function as the office waiting area during the week.

How will the new coffee area in the foyer operate?

On Sundays, the coffee area will be staffed by volunteers. During the week, there will be a self-serve option. It will be a coffee area only. No food or snacks will be provided.