We disciple children by teaching solid, Bible-based curriculum in a fun and safe environment. It is our privilege to partner with parents in training up children according to God’s Word!

On Sundays, we offer Kids Classes during both services. All babies-6th graders meet in the Kids Building.

On Wednesdays, K-6th graders can participate in Adventure Club. The cost is $40 for the year. Click here to register for the 2024-25 school year!
Ministry Philosophy
It is the God-given responsibility of Christian parents to diligently teach God’s Word to their children. Kids Ministry exists to support parents by reinforcing biblical truth in an engaging, age-appropriate way. We recruit thoroughly vetted Kids Ministry leaders who are invested in helping children learn about Jesus.
On Sunday mornings, we utilize the Generations of Grace curriculum, which focuses on the entire biblical narrative. Class times include a Bible lesson, small group time (for elementary), structured activities, and free play.
On Wednesday nights, we utilize the Adventure Club program, which focuses on major theological topics with Scripture memory and take-home materials.
We want you to participate in Sunday services and classes knowing that your kids are safe. For that reason, we have established the following policies:
- Every child must have current information on file with Kids Ministry.
- We require check-in and check-out for each child.
- All leaders are interviewed and screened.
- At least two leaders serve together in each room.
- Any parent is welcome to sit in on any class at any time.
If you would like more specific information about the Kids Ministry safety guidelines, click here.

Roy Agustin
Family Ministry Pastor