Fall Conference

For the Church – By the Church
Care is both given and received in a church, or at least it should be! God cares for people through other people, and we’re no exception! Attend this year’s fall conference, “Who Cares?” and discover what a community of believers caring for one another looks like. You’ll be given insight and tools to take the next step in loving the person sitting in the seat next to you.
Anyone interested in caring for their brothers and sisters in Christ.
October 13-14
Northwest Community Church
16615 N 43rd Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85053
Cost is free, but you MUST RSVP by October 7!
Attend NCC?
RSVP by logging in to NCC Connect. Click the event on the calendar and click the “Yes” button.
Attend another church?
If your church is partnering with us, please RSVP through your church. All others RSVP to info@nccphx.org.
Our Speakers

Todd Murray
Todd is the Family Ministries Pastor at Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Florida, where he also serves as a member of the faculty of The Expositor’s Seminary. Todd is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and Moody Graduate School, and is the author of Beyond Amazing Grace: Timeless Wisdom from the Letters, Hymns, and Sermons of John Newton. He and his wife, Tandy, are blessed to be the parents of five children and three grandchildren.

Carey Hardy
A former pharmacist, Carey graduated from The Master’s Seminary. He has served on the pastoral staff at Grace Community Church, as well as an adjunct professor at The Master’s College and Seminary. Carey has served as the Senior Pastor at Twin City Bible Church in North Carolina since 2006 and is an adjunct professor for The Expositor’s Seminary. Carey and his wife, Pam, are blessed with four adult children and one grandson.
1:30-2:00 pm – Check-In
2:00-3:15 pm – Session 1: Biblical Counseling Defined
3:15-3:45 pm – Break
3:45-5:00 pm – Session 2: Up Close and Personal
5:00-6:00 pm – Dinner
6:15-7:00 pm – Concert: Life & Hymns of John Newton
9:00-10:15 am – Session 3: The Heart of the Problem
10:45-12:15 pm – Session 4: Faith and Feelings
Q&A Session