Men’s Retreat 2021

Men’s Retreat 2021 September 16-18, 2021  When September 16-18, 2021(Thursday-Saturday)  Where Tonto Rim Christian Camp353 N Baptist Camp RdPayson, AZ 85541    Cost $140 per personIncludes four meals and two nights of lodging Plan to...

Vacation Bible School 2021

Vacation Bible School Time Lab Academy  Who K-6th graders (2021-22 school year)Kids must also be five by 9/1/21  When June 7-11Daily from 8:15-11:45 am  Cost $20 per childRegister online May 1-31  T-Shirts $10 per t-shirtPurchase online...

Good Friday Service

Good Friday Service April 18 @ 7 pm Good Friday gives Christians a unique opportunity to remember together Christ’s atoning sacrifice for us. At this special evening service, we will gather for music, the Lord’s Table, and a gospel-centered message from Pastor Scott...

TES Tradition Golf Classic 2021

The Expositors Seminary Tradition Golf Classic Saturday, May 8  Where Lookout Mountain Golf Club11111 N 7th StPhoenix, AZ 85020   Partner with Us Help support future pastors and missionaries The Expositors Seminary (TES) serves the local church through...

Women’s Retreat 2021

Women’s Retreat Women, we invite you to join us for a weekend of focused teaching and fellowship up north in Prescott! We look forward to growing as women of God, not only through the sessions taught by our guest speaker, but through time spent together over...